Wednesday, February 25, 2015

5 Scientific Explanations for your Sexual Perversions

The thing about our sexual preferences is that we just accept them -- of course guys like boobs, and couples like kissing. Well ... why? Why don't we rub armpits instead? Why do so many people have foot fetishes? There has to be a reason.

And while maybe we can't explain your thing with puppets, science does have a few ideas about the other stuff we're into.

#5. Foot Fetishes Kept Us Free of STDs


Looking to warn your kid away from sexually transmitted diseases? Try encouraging him to lust after feet. No, that isn't an excerpt from our parenting guide, So You're Stuck With a Baby: Tips for Making It Interesting. It's actually a sound theory based on some pretty badass science.

Feet are the most fetishized body part out there. There's no obvious reason why -- it's not like, say, a leather fetish, where everyone can look at Catwoman and say, "Yeah, I get that." You can't have sex with feet, and even if you could, would you want to? A lot of fungus lives there.

Condoms won't help, and lube just makes it worse.

Well, scientists wanted to know why, so they started digging. First of all, how did it get started? There are several theories, including one from an expert who says that sensation in the feet and genitals both transmit to the same area of the brain, so there could be some accidental crossover there. But why would it persist through thousands of years of evolution? The answer appears to be disease.


And the tireless efforts of certain visionary directors.

Researchers collected history's records of foot-lust and compared it with the greatest STD outbreaks of the last thousand years: gonorrhea (the 13th century), syphilis (the 16th century, with an encore in the 19th century) and AIDS (the break-dancing years up to now). Scientists learned two things. The first was a greater appreciation for antibiotics, and the second was that foot fetishes are most prevalent in times of disease.

In other words, when our genitals know it's too dangerous to go outside, we start fantasizing about toes and bunions and the way sneakers smell. To test this theory, an intrepid band of sex researchers looked at the prevalence of feet in eight major pornographic publications from 1965 to 1994. Then they made a graph, because graphs are what get scientists off.

Discover Magazine

You're welcome. Now clean yourselves up.

It's worth noting that a general obsession with feet also correlated with periods of greater female power, as if women themselves were taking away the usual goodies and substituting the third filthiest part of their bodies instead, just to show men what was what.

#4. Oral Sex Helps Prevent Miscarriages


The nice thing about oral sex is all of it. No one gets pregnant, people who are virgins can stay virgins when they do it and according to the '90s, it doesn't technically count as sexual relations. Win-win-WIN. So it's easy to see why humans and animals and all things with genitals engage in oral sex in the first place. What's not so obvious is the evolutionary value of the act. It doesn't pass on the genes. And what do women get out of going downtown, other than an occasional free pass later on in the month?


"Let me and my entire extended family visiting for the week explain after you cut the grass."

If Dr. Gustaaf Dekker is to be believed, she gets the benefit of safer future pregnancies ... but only if she swallows.

Among other things, there are unique proteins in every man's sperm, and the more "familiar" a woman is with her partner's semen, the more likely her uterus is to accept it when it's time to procreate. And according to science, or this scientist, anyway, the very best way to get familiar with your future mate's manseed is to digest it.


Man gravy is good with beef and is best used as a garnish.

Dekker also found that pregnant women who practiced oral sex were less likely to have preeclampsia, a condition where the woman's immune system rejects her own placenta, presumably because she's less likely to recognize the fetus as a foreigner. Dekker puts it this way:

"If there's repeated exposure to that signal then eventually when the woman conceives, her cells will say, 'We know that guy, he's been around a long time, we'll allow the pregnancy to continue.'"

"He got a good job? He law abidin'? He better be."

Here's a hint to teenage boys everywhere: This is not the message you want to pass on to your girlfriend in the back seat of your car.

#3. Multiple Orgasms Exist to Encourage Freaky Group Sex


We've previously speculated that the female orgasm was strictly a leftover of evolution, that the clitoris is wired to feel good during sex because it's really a pre-penis. But there are other theories about the purpose of the female orgasm out there as well. Such as the one about how orgasms are merely an award for getting freaky with multiple partners. And why would a woman want multiple partners? So none of them would murder her babies.


"I want what every girl wants: a man who gets confused enough by orgasms that he forgets to kill my children."

According to one anthropologist, and also anyone with sexual experience, the female climax is a completely different animal from the male's. For one thing, it's harder to achieve. And for another, lots of women can have lots of them at once ... just over and over again. Men can't do that.

So Dr. Sarah Hrdy speculates that the orgasm was once an incentive for women to keep on mating once their first, or second, or third partner was done with his business. Because if she mated with lots of guys at once, none of them would know who had fathered her children. Which meant that killing off your rival's kids was impossible -- because they could be your kids. You Game of Thrones fans know what we're talking about here.

"No, his sociopathy is from his mother's side."

Dr. Orgasm's theory is backed up by observations in the animal kingdom. Langur monkeys are relatively (for monkeys) monogamous, and dominant males are all about infanticide in order to secure their rank as alpha male, and also to make the mom stop producing milk so she can mate again. And also because adult langur monkeys are monsters.


"You know what part of a baby monkey tastes best? The tears."

But you don't find that behavior among macaques and chimpanzees, or at least not nearly as much. And sure enough, the difference is that macaques and chimpanzee females bone lots of different dudes. So, the female orgasm may very well be evolution's reward to women for hosting nasty ape sex parties.

#2. We Kiss to Get Close Enough to Detect Pheromones


In this article, we explained the theory that kissing evolved as a way for women to expose themselves to cytomegalovirus so their future babies wouldn't get hit with a herpesesque disease in the womb. And man, is that the most unromantic explanation for kissing EVER. The good news is that there are other, less awful theories about smooching out there. One is that we've all got a secret sex nerve in our brains that compels us to swap spit.

"My nose is telling me it's time to tongue your face-hole."

But first, some background. Everyone has 12 pairs of nerves jutting out of the brainstem, appropriately named Nerve I through Nerve XII. And most of them are regular sensory nerves, like the olfactory one and the optic one and the one that helps us see the dead. But in 1913, scientists discovered another nerve that everyone had missed before. "Nerve 0" (or, as we like to call it, Nerve Oooooh) sits at the base of our skulls, seemingly useless, like a third testicle on an already sterile old man. So it's not surprising that everyone kind of forgot about it.


Although that doesn't make them shut up about it at parties.

So when scientists finally got around to figuring out what this nerve did, they discovered something funny. Even though it looked like an olfactory nerve, it was present in creatures that had long ago lost their sense of scent. Which means it must have some purpose in humans (and all other animals) besides making public transportation unpleasant. Shortly thereafter, scientists discovered that cuttingthis nerve caused mice to stop breeding.

It turns out Nerve 0 is directly connected to the regions of the brain associated with sex and gives your nose a direct, private highway to your genitals. Well, that's interesting. What could that be for?


Stop having sex with those flowers and we'll tell you.

Scientists theorize that when you kiss someone, Nerve 0 picks up their pheromones and warns your body to start sending blood and good vibes down to your crotch as quickly as possible. It's important to note that Nerve 0 doesn't travel through your olfactory bulb at all, which means you can't actually smell any of the things your sex nerve is designed to pick up. And since our pheromones don't carry very well, getting close enough to kiss is basically the only way your Boning Nerve can do you any good.

And what kind of things does your brain learn by picking up pheromones this way? For one thing, it allows you to sneak a peek at your lover's immune system. People you're attracted to will tend to have been exposed to very different antibodies over the course of their lifetimes. This ensures that you have a lower chance of miscarriages and a higher chance of birthing superbabies with badass immune systems. It also stops you from finding your relatives sexually viable, so let's give it a round of applause for preventing a lot of awkward family reunions.

#1. Big Boobs Exist Thanks to the Missionary Position


Here's a question we bet you never asked yourself: Why do guys prefer big breasts? Don't say it's because it signals that a woman is more capable of nursing -- huge boobs serve no practical purpose for the delivery of milk. Well, according to one theory, it has to do with our ancestors preferring face-to-face sex.


"I call them 'shock absorbers.'"

The humble "missionary position" has the unfair reputation of being the boring option for couples too tired to try anything too crazy. But out in the animal kingdom, that position is crazy -- face-to-face sex is something of a revelation for mammals. Our ape ancestors preferred a much less ... frontal method. But the pair bonding that occurs when couples look each other in the eye while doin' it is beneficial enough to humanity that evolution favored people who had face-first sex.


Also our heads were getting much larger during this time, and that shit gets heavy.

In The Naked Ape, British zoologist and ethologist Desmond Morris proposed that the social benefits to our ancestors who liked missionary-style sex were great enough that evolution favored frontal features that mirrored the backside. Namely, giant breasts that mimic the bulbous buttocks of our great-to-the-power-of-500 grandmas. As Desmond put it:

"The protuberant, hemispherical breasts of the female must surely be copies of the fleshy buttocks, and the sharply defined red lips around the mouth must be copies of the red labia."


The first time he shopped at the greengrocers, he had to lie down in a dark room for three days.

Of course, Desmond, they must be. And that means that big breasts exist purely to compel attention. In other words, evolution masterminded the single most successful advertising campaign in world history.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Purpose of Paying Tribute & Real Female Supremacy

Last week, a submissive from San Francisco had the honor of serving Me. Towards the end of the session, he, well-meaning gentleman that he is, blurted out, “You have certainly earned your tribute.” If he wasn’t such a sweet puppy dog that ate food off the bottom of My boots earlier, I would have whipped him to the point of permanent trauma (responsibly of course).

Serving a Professional Mistress is not a cheap endeavor. Even by first-world standards, the majority of submissives must consider and budget before they withdraw $300+ from the ATM.

What is the purpose of paying tribute to a Mistress? In the inescapable truth so elegantly put into plain English by Adam Smith:

“The propensity to truck, barter, and exchange one thing for another is common to all men.”

In other words, your money for a Mistress’ time and discretion. That is the obvious answer — but tribute itself has roots grounded in ritual.

A submissive understands that he is categorically inferior to his Mistress in every regard. He relishes and delights in this notion of inequality, and this knowledge lies at the heart of behaving properly as a lowly slave. This way of thinking is a fetish in and of itself. He knows his place, and he worships the ground on which his Mistress walks in her pointy open-toe high heels.

Because he is not –and never will be – good enough for her, he must offer her tribute and gifts as a way to show gratitude for her allowing him in her presence. Paying tribute to your Mistress reinforces your lowered status in respect to hers. It is a symbol of your deference and just one of many demonstrations you make to ingratiate yourself with her.

Money is only one aspect of serving a Mistress. Servitude must begin with the proper attitude. It is a horse of a different color between a transaction defined by paying a woman to give you instant gratification, and offering tribute as a way to show your devotion and respect. There is a difference between a client… and a submissive.

My ball-fetching, boot-licking puppy dog did not understand (he does now) that a Mistress does not earn tribute. She expects it. It is but the first of many attempts a submissive makes in aiming to please her.

With that being said, My humble readers, I also recognize that there is an inherent, evolutionary law behind tribute that cannot be ignored. Men trade their resources for the company of women. This is a cross-cultural fact that is also present in other primates. Men understand that they themselves are not good enough for a woman, they must be able to provide — and this is the truth that feminism forgot. Men were never superior to women, never even equal to women. MEN WORK FOR WOMEN. The real whore is the man. The woman has done all the work the moment she was born.

Warren Farrell, American author, educator, and activist on men’s issues with women stated brilliantly:

“I am often asked why men don’t get as worked up as they might about women—particularly poor women—having to use their bodies as prostitutes. Because most men unconsciously experience themselves as prostitutes every day—the miner, the firefighter, the construction worker, the logger, the soldier, the meatpacker—these men are prostitutes in the direct sense: they sacrifice their bodies for money and for their families.”

(Is the man exploiting the prostitute’s body, or the prostitute exploiting the man’s libido?)

There you have it. The purpose of tribute serves reasons that are practical, philosophical, and universal. Real female supremacy is when a man devotes his life and energy to acquiring resources that a woman is naturally entitled to just by virtue of being female. We are the boss.

A Dominatrix embraces this reality of men and women. A Dominatrix is also on the side of men in that she understands them and the burden they have to carry, and thereby she grants them freedom from the burden of being a man.

Pay up and shut up.

Original Source: The Mind of Mistress Zhang

Submission with Condition - Another Dr. Sue Review

Hi boys and girls, I’m back with another opinion piece and who knows, maybe some valuable advice will come out of it.

I’m noticing a not-so-nice trend within our community. Unfortunately boys I’m going to come down on YOUR butts for this. It’s the unfortunate behavior of submission with condition and the really ironic thing is that for those of you who do this you’re actually cheating yourselves.

So many of you boys seem to see submission as being some sort of commodity that you can bargain with…news flash…it isn’t. When you start submitting with only your own gratification in mind you’ve just lost the point of submitting at all.

There seems to be some growing trend with you boys to only submit provided there is some sort of reward at the end of the tunnel. I’ve observed this not only in financial domination, which I would have to say is rampant with it, but also in real time as well.

Let me just say that even if you’re paying for your session if you’re going in to that session, any session, with a ‘what’s in it for me’ attitude you completely blow past the entire submissive experience. Now it’s just a client-provider relationship.

True submission is an act of selflessness, it comes with the attitude of ‘what can I do for you?’ with no strings attached. I discussed compersion in a previous article about submission Are You a Sub or Not. Compersion is the joy created from a selfless act that brings another joy, relief or happiness.

I was speaking with a client of mine who had an epiphany one day when he realized that he was essentially wasting his own time by having expectations in his relationship with his Domme. He couldn’t figure out why he felt empty and why the whole experience lacked any real ‘feeling’. Then it dawned on him that he was going in to it the wrong way the whole time. He had been one of these guys who jumped around from Domme to Domme always looking for greener pastures until he realized that it wasn’t greener pastures he was looking for. That in fact his pasture was as green as could be but it was HE who through his expectations of ‘what do I get?’ was completely missing the entire submissive experience. He changed his outlook and started submitting with zero expectation, relying only on the act of pleasing with no reward and he finally found his Utopia.

So many of you subbie boys go in to this with a ‘well I just sent you a gift off of your wishlist so send me a pic of your hooters’ attitude that you are defeating the purpose of submitting in the first place. Of course you feel empty afterwards, you weren’t giving from a selfless place you didn’t get to experience compersion and only until you reach that point of pleasing with no expectation will you stop feeling like your submission is boring or that your Domme is just greedy.

Here’s perhaps a more compelling story that was told to me by a slave of mine. He heard the story of a Domme who had been in a horrible car accident. Her friend, also a Domme, gave her the use of her best slave during her convalescence. This slave did everything for her, ran her errands, did her housecleaning, made sure she ate properly and each day when his duties were finished he left quietly without any expectation of reciprocity. He just served, and was quite happy to do so.

Later, when the Domme was healthy and was back in true form both she and the slave’s actual owner secretly conceived of, and then delivered, a double Domme session with this every unsuspecting and now very happy slave. So you see? To serve without expectation of something in return usually will bring you great rewards anyway. Those of you who truly submit selflessly are the only boys and girls who can say they are truly submissive and know the feeling of servitude. So ask yourself this…do you serve with expectation or without?

Original Source: Submission with Condition

Monday, February 23, 2015

Ten Fetish Films you Shouldn’t Miss

Whether you can’t get enough of the notorious Bettie Page or you drool over James Spader, you’ll find something to love in our list of top ten fetish movies! Read on to find out more about the stand out fictitious films and fetish documentaries of the last 40 years and marvel at the amazing impact that fetish has had on cult culture and the mainstream media.

10. Histoire D’O (The Story of O) (1975)

Just Jaeckin’s very 70s looking movie is a gentle exploration of SM with plenty of soft focus thrown in. Based on the classic by Anne Desclos, which is also worth a read, the film is a fairly faithful adaptation that wraps the issues of domination, submission and sexuality into a manmade fibre paisley bow. There’s plenty to enjoy for the ironic hipster and if your partner’s up for it, lots of ‘do try this at home’ ideas for afterwards.

9. Mano Destra (1986)

This short movie is a rite of passage amongst bondage fans and features fifty minutes of beautifully shot black and white footage packed with fetish iconography and lesbian bondage. Cleo Uebelmann directs and also stars as the movie’s lead dominatrix in what’s now a film full of fairly familiar images, but was in fact the first of its kind.

8. Venus in Furs (1969)

Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, the man whose name gave us the term ‘masochism’, was the author of Venus in Furs, which has been made into a movie five times since it was published. One of the best attempts was in 1969 by director Jess Franco. The story of a female dominatrix and male submissive addresses the issue of who is really in control within a BDSM relationship and although the content is pretty tame by today’s standards it’s interesting finding out how SM was viewed all those decades ago.

7. The Notorious Bettie Page (2005)

This biographical movie tells the story of possibly the most famous fetish figure in history. Bettie page is a global icon who had a huge effect on both the fetish scene and popular culture. This film depicts her life and her relationship with the photographers who brought her to fame. Whilst the movie is slow in places and not entirely accurate, it’s packed full of incredible outfits and unforgettable images of the beautiful Gretchen Mol cavorting in vintage bondage gear.

6. Secretary (2002)

This odd offering from director Steven Shainberg ended up becoming a surprise hit and showed that ‘the masses’ were perhaps a lot more open to a little bedroom eccentricity than they like to let on. The film tells the tale of dominant boss James Spader and his submissive secretary Maggie Gyllenhall and the strange but in the end uplifting relationship that develops between them as they realise each others proclivities and an elaborate SM relationship develops.

5. Gwendoline (1984)

Just Jaekin, who also made Emanuelle and The Story of O which appears on this list, based this movie on characters from the canon of famed fetish artist John Willie. Whilst the film’s images and characters could never live up to Willie’s immaculate creations, there are some amazing costumes and impressively elaborate machinery, such as the dungeon furniture, which are worth seeing. This movie may have a pretty silly plot but it’s ideal for a late night watch with a few drinks.

4. Fetishes (1996)

When you watch this Nick Broomfield documentary it’s hard to believe that they actually showed it on TV. Whilst the media is saturated with sexual imagery Broomfield’s celebrated exploration of the world of fetish and SM would be rejected by most channels today. The documentary is set in one of New York’s most well-known role-play, dungeon, BDSM themed establishments and features interviews with clients and staff as well as some eye opening insights into the things that go on behind the scenes, including one particularly memorable moment involving a penis, a loo roll tube and some sand paper – you do the maths!

 3. Maitresse (1976)

If Gerard Depardieu floats your boat today then catch him in Maitresse where he’s incredibly young and incredibly sexy. The notorious 1976 movie was pretty hardcore at the time and scenes like a penis being nailed to a plank of wood and genuine whipping are still enough to raise an eyebrow today. Initially banned in Great Britain, the movie was not released uncut in this country until ten years ago. The plot centres around the chaos which ensures when Depardieu burgles the home/dungeon of a dominatrix and the two become embroiled in a passionate affair.

2. Preaching to the Perverted (1997)

This 1997 Stuart Urban movie centres on the London fetish scene and follows a group of characters as they visit various clubs and parties. Starring several familiar faces on British TV, this movie is fun to watch simply to spot the stars of Casualty and The Royle Family in full fetish gear. But it’s also a fairly accurate portrayal of the scene at the time. It’s also packed with real fetish enthusiasts some of whom you may recognise if you’re a regular on the scene.

1. Dressing for Pleasure (1977)

Possibly the best fetish documentary ever made, Dressing for Pleasure is packed with amazing footage of pre 80s fetish lovers at clubs, parties and on the scene. Directed by John Samson, the film pays homage to the ‘Sex’ shop owned by John Lydon and Vivienne Westwood and shows the enormous influence that ‘Sex’ had on the current UK fetish scene. For fetish fans who want to know where it all began, this film is the one to watch.

Original Source:
Posted on 9/16/2013 by Felicia Fetish

Female Supremacy - The Dr. Sue Review

I’ve been asked a few times to write an article explaining my thoughts on female supremacy as well as just what the hell the concept is.

Female supremacy is simply the belief that women as a gender are far superior to men. Simple concept but you’ll find many people take great offense to that statement because of the way our society is structured.Female supremacy causes some very serious reactions from people so first off don’t kick the messenger. However that said I would consider myself a female supremacist.

I don’t want this to turn into a pissing match so I will qualify everything I’m saying from this point on by saying that this is all MY OPINION. The fantastic part of life is that we all have differing opinions and differing tastes. If we all liked the same thing life would be boring and very slow. Nothing new would be developed, nothing would change so I have no problem with anyone who has a different view, all I ask is to open your mind just a wee tiny bit.

There are numerous studies which begin to expose the theory that women are genetically superior to males and if you want to read about that further I suggest you read Adam’s Curse: A Future without Men for starters. I’m not going to get into all of the medical aspects of this theory because it’s insanely technical and boring and I will assume that you will look into it further if you want to delve deeper into male genetic fallibility.

What I will go into are the signs all around you of the fact that men are inferior to women.

Almost all religions are male controlled. Most if not all wars have been religious based. More people have killed each other in the name of religion/war than anything else. In 2002 alone 172 thousand people died from wars. Gotta love that testosterone fueled ‘my way or the highway’ attitude.

Catholic priests are held to sexual standards that cannot be maintained, imposed by another male. I shouldn’t have to remind you how well that’s been working.

Men have been in control of most of corporate America including the banking system. Again, look around you, greed and aggression rule supreme with men.

The entire porn/stripper/escort/hooker industry is fueled by the male’s inability to control their sexual desires. So what have women done? Learned to feed that need and make money off of men’s weaknesses.

I’m not even going to go down the government road, again, that should be blatantly obvious.

I could go on but this should end somewhere and I’ll let you guys bark it out in the comments. Suffice it to say if it were up to me I would teach male children from a very young age that women are to be respected, obeyed, cherished, and put first in every aspect their lives. All men should be placed in chastity to control their sexual urges. All men should consider their lives to be only in service of women.

However, that said, I will also say that women need to put women first more as well. Remember a true female supremacist respects her fellow female. She doesn’t lower her, she doesn’t disparage her choices she uplifts. To put down another female for any reason just puts you in the realm of men. (But that’s another article)

Female Led Relationship: Enslave your man

How do you find a man who will abase and humiliate himself for your pleasure? You want a man who will remain naked at all times and lap your cunt on command. You want a man who will furnish his huge, hard cock for your pleasure rather than his. You want a man who will beg you to take him over your knees while you spank his ass to redness.

So you want a slave, but how do you get one? Well, you could dump the man you have and advertise in the alternative newspapers and on the internet. But what would you get? A wimp, a slob, a diseased pervert? A homicidal maniac? Who knows what's out there.

Be sensible! You've already got a man who appeals to you. You wouldn't be having sex with your husband or lover if you didn't find him appealing. You already know he hasn't any STDs to infect you. You know his cock is adequate and his body shape acceptable. There's your answer!

Enslave your lover. Convince him that he wants to grovel before you naked and beg to suck your clit and lick your twat. Convince him he wants to stand before you and whack off before swallowing his own jizz. Convince him he wants to serve you and your friends as you command.

"Ah," you say. "But how do I do this?" Well, that's what you'll learn by reading on. Remember that you have three things going for you. Like all men, he wants to please you to keep the sex coming. Like all men, he subconsciously is fascinated by the concept of a dominant, sex-crazed woman. Finally, like all men, if he can be made to feel guilty he'll do anything to get off the hook.

So here's the plan. There's got to be a special day in your lives coming up. Your birthday or anniversary, perhaps. It doesn't really have to be special so long as you can convince him you think it is. It must be a day you can make a convincing case that he should treat as special. Then you do your best to direct his mind away from remembering it. You want him to forget it, in fact. You're looking for guilt, not presents or dinner out.

When you've decided on the day, find some subtle way to have him spend the bulk of that day doing something for his own pleasure. Golf or a hunting trip with the boys would be great. The trick is that he must not be able to say you suggested it. Perhaps a girlfriend could suggest to her lover/husband that he invite your man to the diversion. (She may want you to return the favor later, especially when she comes to realize how happy you are after you have enslaved your man.) This other guy, of course, must be an innocent dupe.

So the day arrives. Off he goes, all unsuspecting, with a quick peck on your cheek. As he goes out the door, you holler after him "See you around 3:00", knowing full well there's no way he can be back before 5:00. The trap is about to be sprung. To be on the safe side, by 3:00 you've bathed and put on your costume.

Now is not the time for your domina outfit, but dress with a few surprises. A shirt without bra and a loose skirt without panties will be perfect for today's activities. If you often are pantless and braless, then go for some other scheme. Perhaps a naked twat framed by a grater belt, or crotchless panties. If your tits are often naked, then go for a bra with nipple holes or a shelf-bra. The idea is to startle and awe him when he suddenly realizes what you are wearing.

You should consider modifying your cunt hair. If you have an untrimmed bush, shape it. If it's already shaped, consider shaving it completely. If you already shave it, highlight it with lipstick. But do this only if it will give you a feeling of power when you later thrust your pussy in his face for adoration. After all, this is about you. Your poise during what is to follow is key.

Are you getting the picture? When he gets home you are going to throw him off balance. First with guilt and then with your lascivious demeanor, body and costume. Step by step you are going to get him to submit to your will. Today will not see him submitting to a butt-fucking by the husband of your next-door neighbor while your friends cheer, but today will be the start down that road.

Step by step you are going to reduce him to complete subservience. Do it right and he will worship your cunt in any way that you command. Fuck up and you are no worse off than you were-- advertisements are a fallback. Today is just the first baby steps towards his total subjection to cunt-slave, but you should have fun. He will too.

When he comes home lay on the guilt. This is no time to be the modern women. Play the poor, downtrodden helpless unreasonable female of the old-time movies. "Where have you been? You said you'd be home at 3:00 and it's nearly 5:00?"

Ignore his protestations that he said no such thing. Then lay on the forgotten special day. "How could you go off with the boys on the anniversary of our first date? (or whatever)" If you can shed a few tears as you work yourself into a feigned snit, all the better. No man can stand a crying woman. He'll soon be apologizing and trying to make amends.

Be inconsolable and direct the conversation. Eventually he'll feel guilty enough and upset enough at your distress that he'll suggest trying to make it up to you. That's your opening, but don't pounce-stalk. "How can you make it up?" He'll start to make suggestions, but none please you. In fact, the more he tries, the more unhappy you become because you deem his suggestions inadequate to the offense.

Eventually he must come around to saying "What do you want me to do?" This is not your chance. It's just the next opening-keep stalking. The answer to this question is essentially "As though you'd really do what I wanted!" This should get him protesting. "But I will do what you want!" Keep stalking even though your cunt is beginning to drip.

"Sure you will", with a stamp of the foot and a few more tears. "I'll ask you to do something you won't want to do and you won't do it." Now we're getting there! He's bound to say "Really, Honey, I'll do anything you want."


"Sure, Honey, I'll do anything you want."

"I don't believe you," said with a snort and toss of the head.

By now he should be really desperate.

"But I will, honey, I'll do anything you want. I promise."

"Yah, but for how long? Two minutes? That won't make up for forgetting?"

"For the rest of the day, honey."

"Oh, you think doing what I want for one day will do it, buster! No way!" A few more tears of distress. Hold out for the promise of at least a weekend.

"Okay, honey, for the rest of the weekend I'll do anything you want, just please stop crying."

Through tears, "You really will do anything I want for the rest of the weekend?"

"Sure honey, I will. I promise!" He doesn't know yet that his ass will soon be red and his tongue will be working on your clit.

Pounce time!! "Then take off your clothes!" He will be so startled that he can't help but hesitate. Seize the moment. "Just as I thought. You say you'll do anything I want, but the first thing I ask for you renege!" This should be said in high dudgeon as you turn away from him and throw yourself on the couch in obvious anger and upset. Loud sobs on your behalf won't hurt.

"But why do you want me to take my clothes off?"

Turn on him.

"Look, buster, why isn't important. You said you'd do whatever I want. What I want you to do right now is take your clothes off. Do it or forget the whole thing. Either you live up to your promises or you don't." Stare determinedly at him. Now is not the time to tell him that he is about to become your cock-bearing, clit-lapping cunt-slave.

If he doesn't crumble, then it's back to advertising in the mags. Oh, but he will crumble if you've played it right to now. Not only does he want to make you stop crying, but he is secretly thrilled at the idea of stripping in front of you. And strip he does. First the shoes and socks come off. (Dull stuff, but necessary.) The shirt comes off next, and as he pulls it over his head his chest muscles and nipples appear and send a thrill through your cunt.

Next he unbuckles his belt as you stare arrogantly at him. Maybe he looks up at you. Stare him down, silently daring him to stop stripping. He drops his pants and steps out of them. If he's the man we think he is, by now his cock is straining against his underwear. Finally he slips them off, being careful to pull the waist-band out around his now straining, rock-hard cock.

Walk around him staring up and down at his body, particularly his cock. When he turns to follow you command him "Stand still!" Even better, demand that he spread his legs and put his hands behind his head with his elbows back.

After you have stared for a few seconds start pawing him. Don't go straight to the cock. Start with his shoulders, then his chest, then his butt. Brush your hands over his nipples. The move in front of him, grab his equipment firmly but not painfully, stare him in the eye and say, "The only way you're going to make it up to me is to be my sex slave for the rest of the weekend." I swear you'll feel his steel-hard tool get even harder.

Let go, step back and command him "Get on your knees, slave!" If he says "Yes, dear" as he complies tell him firmly "That's 'yes, mistress.'" Oops, his cock hardened some more. Standing as close to him as you can get and staring imperiously into his eyes very slowly and provocatively remove your shirt. If you've chosen right, he will sink another level into thrall.

Command him to remove your skirt. That should do it. Your beautiful cunt in a brand new form will be staring him in the face. Your cunt juices will be oozing and he will know you are hot for sex. Spread your legs and firmly grab his head and pull his mouth toward your eager cunt as you say with great authority "Suck my cunt, slave, and suck good!"

Now is no time to let ineptitude go unpunished. Move his head around to get his mouth and tongue in the right place. Give him instructions in a firm and imperious voice. "More tongue, slave! Flick your tongue faster, slave!" Whatever you want, direct him to do it. A man cannot resist a wanton woman.

Now remember. This is baby-step day. You don't want to push this too far. Don't make him tongue you for hours. Have yourself one little orgasm for now. It's the future you're playing for here. Eventually he can be made to tongue you for hours with a dildo up his ass after he's whacked off and eaten his own jizz if that's your heart's desire. But he's nowhere near ready for that yet. One step at a time, please!

One more step of subjugation before you reward him by riding his cock. It's spank-him time.

Pull away from his tongue and say "Good job, slave, but I haven't punished you yet for forgetting our special day." Sit down in the chair that you have thoughtfully kept nearby and demand, "Over my knees!"

He may balk, but it's unlikely since he has a rock-hard cock that wants nothing more than to ream your steaming pussy. And he knows that if he misbehaves it's over. After all, you've already cum and even if he knows you're multi-orgasmic he also knows you might quit on him. If he does balk, remind him of his deal and the consequences of reneging.

Either way he'll be over your knees in a flash with his hard cock pressing between your red-hot thighs. If you can, clamp his cock and balls between your delicious legs. It won't really hold him down, but it will give both of you a thrill. His thrill is only important in keeping him in line.

Now don't just start in beating his ass black and blue. At this point you're trying to enslave him, not hurt him. That comes much later. So keep the erotic tension going for him. Fondle his ass. Squirm a little so his cock and balls rub against your thighs. Squeeze and release the pressure on his balls. Then slowly, fondling in between blows, spank him.

The object is the maximum noise for the minimum pain. Today you don't want him blubbering, you want his jizz boiling in his balls. All you are doing today is humiliating him so that his innate perversity will make him an eager sex slave.

Talk to him while you are spanking. Use words and phrases that accentuate your superiority and his inferiority. "You've been a naughty little slave. Don't ever misbehave again." Give him a peek at the future, but don't get ahead of yourself "From now on I expect you to please me, slave. I'm going to expect lots of sex and on my terms. If you misbehave, you'll get more spankings. And from now on there will be no wearing of clothes in the house."

By now he may be cumming, so don't push it. Stop before you have a load of jizz in your lap. You want him eager to go, not deflated with a limp cock. At this point you can lead him by his hard pecker, but a soft one will be problematic.

Stop spanking him before it's too late. "In a few minutes you're going to use your cock to please me, slave. But I need a drink. Go get me a beer!" Believe me he'll scamper to the kitchen and bring you your favorite quaff. Make sure to stare at his cock and balls with a proprietary attitude as he returns. "Now go stand in the corner, naughty boy, while I have a drink. But make sure your cock will be ready when I want it."

If he faces into the corner, all to the good. If he doesn't order him to. Make sure he understands that he isn't to touch himself. The purpose here is twofold. You are still trying to humiliate and subjugate him. But you also want him to cool off a little. If you take his cock into your cunt now he'll come in two seconds. No fun for you and bad for his training.

When you think he's ready to be useful, command him "On your back, slave!" Use the bed if you must, but the floor is so much more degrading for him. Stand over him and let him look at your regal body with its firm tits and dripping cunt. Tell him what's about to happen. "I'm going to ride your cock, slave. Don't come until I tell you to, and when I do tell you to I want floods of jizz!"

Slowly and deliberately impale his cock in your cunt. If he tries to thrust, order him to stop. Make sure you're in command. This is where using your own man for a slave will prove useful. You know what rhythm works best for him. Avoid it until you want him to come. Use some other technique, one that will frustrate him for a while. You're teasing him into abject obedience. Have fun, but keep thinking. You must defer your ultimate pleasures until later. Right now you are capturing a slave, not making best use of one.

Order him to serve as your slave. Have him suck your nipples, but make him work to obey. Keep them high enough he must hold his head uncomfortably off the floor to obey. This will help keep his mind off his cock a little. Try to have a few quick orgasms, reminding him not to come. If you have to, now is a time to fake it if you must. (The future-keep your mind on the future.) Tell him what to do with his hands-rub your tits or ass.

Now at some point he will cum. You can order him not to all you want, but this man is not yet a slave. You've teased his cock for a good while and his jizz is boiling. So you must order him to cum just as he about to anyway. (See there are advantages to enslaving your own man, because you will know when that point arrives.)

The theory of training puppies, babies and sex-slaves is that you reward them for good behavior even when the good behavior was not intended. The puppy pees outside for no particular reason and you praise it. You are doing the same thing here. Eventually you want your slave to cum on command, but he hasn't a clue about that yet. He will learn. So just as you think he can go no longer you shout at him "Flood my cunt with your jizz, slave."

Oh, my, but he will comply. His orgasm will be one of the most intense of his life, especially if you cum too at a 60-decibel level. And guess what? He'll begin to equate this fantastic thrill he's just experienced with the belief that he did it because you ordered him to. Gotcha!

Relax. Praise your slave, but remind him that the weekend isn't over and you have more for him to do. If he's still young he'll be ready again soon. If he isn't young you should have ordered him to ingest a viagra before you got started.

Spend the rest of the time being sensuous, sexy, demanding, authoritative and horny. Do whatever it takes to see that he cums more times during this period of slavery than at any time in his life. Now you've really got him. He will equate his pleasure with your dominance.

Soon he'll lap when you order. He'll whack off on command and eat his own jizz even if it's for the entertainment of your bridge club. He'll do anything your heart or cunt desires even to sucking another man's cock and having a rock hard pecker shoved up his ass. It's all up to you. Slowly and carefully, eyes on the future.

Original Source: Female Led Relationship: Enslave your man:

Friday, February 20, 2015

Subspace & Aftercare

Femdom Magazine
Published: July 3, 2012
By Sue Rozen

During mentoring sessions with new or less-experienced Dommes, when I mention subspace, the reply I often get is, “What is that?”

The subspace and aftercare are topics that tops playing in SL are often unaware of. To ensure everyone is safe and happy, however, Dommes need to have a woking knowledge of what subspace is, what causes it, how to identify if a sub is in subspace when playing and how to spot the signs of sub-drop.

D/s is all-encompassing in the sense that it’s not just about scenes, highs, fun, pain, control, and all the exciting things we do. It’s about real people, and their needs and wants. A conscientious dominant will know that she is responsible for her submissive’s well-being and care. Part of that responsibility involves knowing what can happen to her sub when he interacts with his dominant. As a scientist who has both personal D/s experience and the benefit of research into subjects such as human physiology and biochemistry, I’ll try to share practical tips while working in the science-y stuff.

~~ Firstly, what is subspace? ~~

Subspace (also called headspace, flying, or floating) is the name given to the state the submissive’s mind and body is in during a deeply involved play scene. It is an elusive and sought after space that is the holy grail of many submissives. Many types of BDSM play invoke strong physical responses. The psychological aspect of BDSM also causes many submissives to mentally separate themselves from their environment as they process the experience. Deep subspace is often characterized as a state of deep recession and incoherence.

Deep subspace may also cause a danger in newer submissives who are unfamiliar with the experience. The experience requires the dominant to keep a careful watch to ensure the submissive isn’t placing him- or herself in danger.

~~ How does this happen? [Hold on to your seats, this is the science-y bit!] ~~

During the scene, the intense experiences of both pain and pleasure trigger a sympathetic nervous system response, which causes a release of adrenaline in the sub’s body. Other chemical messengers such as endorphins and enkephalins (natural pain relievers) are also released, and these natural chemicals, part of the fight or flight response (the stress response of the body), produce the same effect as a morphine-like drug.

These chemicals have the effect on the brain of increasing the sumbissive’s pain tolerance as the scene becomes more intense. A sort of trance-like state is produced in the sub due to the increase of hormones and chemicals. The submissive starts to feel out-of-body, detached from reality, like he or she is floating or flying. Many submissives, on reaching a height of subspace, will lose all sensation of pain, as any stimulus causes the period to prolong. As the high comes down, and the parasympathetic nervous system kicks in (to counteract the effects of the aforementioned chemicals), a deep exhaustion, as well as incoherence may result. This is when aftercare becomes important to the well-being of the submissive.

~~ Ok, that’s all well and good, but what does this mean in reality? ~~

Submissives that are deeply in subspace can often have their ability to communicate impaired. This means that they may not be able to use their safewords/safe-signals when they are heading into dangerous territory. In fact they may not even be aware they are heading into dangerous territory!

This reduced or impaired ability to communicate with the tops, combined with the fact that the subs may no longer be able to feel pain due to the high levels of endorphins rushing through their bodies, could mean that subs could be hurt or damaged during scenes. If, for example, a less experienced top is dealing with a sub who has gone deeply into subspace, and doesn’t know what signals to watch for, that top may take the physical aspect of the play too far, all the while waiting for s safeword from the sub that the sub is incapable of giving.

~~ So, what do I look out for? What are the signs that a sub is in subspace? ~~

Just like anything else, signs of subspace can vary from individual to individual. The length of time taken to go into subspace, and the types of activities that can take a sub into subspace are often specific to the individual sub. For some, it takes a long time and quite a deal of physical stimulation, whereas for other subs, merely hearing their tops’ voices or being touched by the tops can have them floating off.

But there are a few tell tale signs: The submissive may become less verbal in communication as he enters the more “feral” state of subspace. The top may notice that the sub’s ability to speak and to use words to communicate how he or she feels is reduced, and the sub may only communicate in grunts or moans (which, let’s face it, are difficult to interpret). There are often changes in skin tone; eyes may roll back in the head. The body may go limp and floppy (which is at odds with the muscle tensing that would generally be expected with physical punishment). After a time with a sub, the top will come to recognise the signs of that individual’s subspace.

The endorphin-mixed-with-adrenaline high that is experienced by the submissive is often compared to a drug-induced high and can be addictive for the submissive. Think of it as something akin to “runner’s high.” Indeed, a sub in subspace can often beg for more of the physical stimulation that got and keeps him there without the knowledge that this could result in harm. This is where the dominant needs to keep control of the situation, and bring the sub safely down from the high.

~~ Now that I know what to look for, what should I do? ~~

It can be damaging for a sub in subspace, to just be left, cold-turkey as it were, without being brought safely “back down to earth.”

A dominant that is unaware of subspace and its physical and psychological impact on her sub, may just up and leave after a scene, with the sub possibly still in subspace. It’s not good enough to just untie the binds, and leave. It is the top’s responsibility to spend time bringing the sub back down: gradually lessening the stimulation, talking the sub back to earth, giving the sub affection and reassurance, telling him that he’s done good job, and giving lots of hugs and kisses to accompany the sub’s journey back down, for example.

Exhaustion will often accompany the sub coming down from subspace. So the dominant may have to provide a safe environment for the submissive to sleep and regain strength. Leaving a sub in subspace, where the sub’s still flying and buzzing in an out-of-body experience, can be dangerous. For example, imagine a sub, still in subspace trying to drive a car. They sub doesn’t have the requisite concentration and ability to perform such a complex task, and by not grounding the sub before letting him or her leave, the top could be putting the sub in danger.

Now, you may be thinking, “Well I only interact with my submissives online, I don’t need to worry about this.”

But that’s not necessarily true. Subs in cyber-relationships enter subspace just as easily and fully as those in RL situations. And as the domme in a cyber D/s relationship cannot often see her sub, she needs to rely on other methods to determine if the sub is brought down again after a scene. In this case, the voice is the best tool available to the Domme – she needs to get to know her sub’s voice intonations and how they change while in subspace, so that she can safely determine when the sub is again grounded. Where a scene is done in text alone, the communication that occurs in-scene and following the scene, in aftercare, between sub and Domme is similarly critical to the sub’s well-being.

~~ I got the picture — But what is subdrop? ~~

Even after the most carefully applied aftercare, some residual effects of the subspace experience can still remain with the submissive. The phenomenon of “sub-drop” is the name given to the drop or low that a sub (or indeed a dominant, but that’s another discussion) can experience in the hours or even days after an intense BDSM scene. The term subdrop is generally applied to the ”negative” effects or depressive state that a sub can experience after a scene. The causes are manifold, it can be a physical reaction to the adrenaline and endorphins leaving the body. For those raised in a very traditional environment the resulting drop may be associated with feelings of guilt or shame.

Subdrop may manifest itself in may different ways – there could be tears, irrational fears expressed by the sub, or a sub may feel sad or lonely in the hours or days after leaving the dominant. Subdrop could be compared to shock in a way, and the treatment is much the same. The dominant should provide as environment for her submissive in which the sub can express his or her feelings and receive the domme’s attention (after all, the dominant is at least party responsible for getting the sub into this place). The Domme should watch for signs of distress, and try to understand what the sub needs from her – bearing in mind that this may be different depending on the sub.

The point of aftercare is to make the sub feel accepted, wanted, safe, secure and comfortable. With consistent application, good aftercare will help grow the trust between Domme and sub, and will help the relationship to blossom and reach new heights, as the sub will know that the Domme has his best interests in mind, has an understanding of what’s happening to him and will do her best to alleviate any negative situations that may develop.

A good and caring Domme will always have the care of her sub foremost in her mind. By all means take the pleasure, that’s what D/s is about – but don’t take and give nothing back. The D/s experience should be rewarding and pleasurable for both the dominant and submissive. Dominants and submissives equipoise each other – and this balance cannot be dismissed or forgotten. It’s about mutual trust and understanding, and while both parties are charged with trying to understand each other, in this case much of the responsibility lies with the Domme to provide the lead, and the consistency which the submissive craves so much in life. The submissive however is not without responsibility in relation to subdrop and aftercare, the sub must communicate needs and feelings to the Domme openly and honestly, so that the Domme can take the necessary actions to care for her sub.

By providing good aftercare, the sub will know that the Domme provides a safe environment in which these topics can be discussed without fear and in full honesty. A Domme who understands subspace – its thrills as well as its pitfalls – can get the very best from her submissive, and therefore the best experience for herself, from which everyone wins.

Original Source

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Fan Letter from Slave JollieBee

Below is a fan letter that I received from JollieBee a few months back.

If you are not particularly into writing Fan Fiction work for me, feel free to just write about how clearly awesome I am. 

Superior Sarah

Flawless is the exact work to describe Your Feet. Like when You know 1 + 1 is 2, such a mathematical perfection is what Your Feet are. I even don’t need to go back to Your Feet pics because I know perfectly how great they are… but nevertheless I go back and see them because they are, well, Flawless!

You know some girl is nice by their Feet or Hands, but it isn’t a perfect formula. However, when people see Your Feet, I am 101% convinced they know You are beautiful. Your Feet are this really powerful tool to send men directly to their knees. It is pretty pathetic wanting to live at Your Feet, but it isn’t… they’re Flawless!

Your Feet are better than Candice Swanepoel. She is a Victoria’s Secret model, who is almost perfect (but not as much as Your Feet) because Your Feet are Flawless. Right here right now I would put my small penis in a chastity cage forever, giving up sex forever, just to have the honor to live by Your Feet, to be able to smell them, taste them and worship them. Once again, you might think that this is a very lowly and pathetic man. Perhaps I am, but Your Feet are so, so, so gorgeous, perfect and Flawless that for me it would be a dream come true. I’m not good enough to desire the parts of Your body that a real man would, but Your Flawless Feet are so amazing that they are even better than any other think I can think of!

They have such an amazing color that I would want to stuff them in my mouth immediately. Your Toenails are so well formed they actually arouse me. The size of Your Toes are perfect, perfectly going from Your Flawless Bigger Toe down to the Pinky. The color is incredible; Your Feet not only have a nice color, but they have different tones of the fairest skin color that I find so beautiful. Plus, thanks to the coral-pink nail polish color You use for Your Toenails truly enhances the incredible tones of Your Feet. Your soles have also an amazing color; a mix of perfect white with pink; white along Your Soles and pink close to Your Toes. I would love, however, to see Your Feet without any nail polish. I’ve always preferred natural nails, and I bet Your Feet would look better all natural… and imagine what “even better” means when referring to Your Flawless Feet. Oh my!

The Toe rings You use make Your Feet even more dominating. You could lock my neck chain to those rings and have me completely close to Your Heavenly Feet. 
For me, Your Feet mean denial, torture, beauty, domination, suffering, perfection… any good and Flawless adjective. They also mean servitude, obedience and keeping You happy.

I would even adore and worship Your Feet while You have sex with a real man, which I’m not, of course. I would also worship Your Goddess hands and armpits, but I know that that’s my limit.

Oh, and the smell! I think that is one of the best parts of Your Feet. How to describe a Flawless Foot Smell? Well, I’m sorry but I won’t: something that can’t be seen but only perceived as perfect cannot be described. 

Your Feet are the greatest work of art in humankind.

Foot Worship Fan Fiction: One Year in slavery to Goddess Superior Sarah

Author: Anonymous Footslave

It was the one-year anniversary of my captivity and servitude to Goddess Superior Sarah as Her 24/7 live-in slave. The past year had been the most wonderful year of my life. I had handed over everything I had owned to my Mistress and now had nothing to my name, no money, no house, nothing – everything had been transferred to my Goddess. I literally had nothing except the few possessions Superior Sarah allowed me to have.

These were small treasures the Goddess allowed me to keep in my small slave cell – a small cupboard where Mistress sometimes locked me up for bad behavior, or just to amuse Herself. My possessions were: several pairs of Mistresses used shoes that I worshipped whenever possible, a set of Her toenail clippings, and any used items that Mistress allowed me to keep that she would normally chuck away items collected out of her bin). I owned nothing else.

‘No Goddess’ I whimpered and kissed Her feet repeatedly in shame.‘Goddess please forgive me’.

‘Good slave’ replied my Mistress as she sat on a comfy chair in Her bedroom.

‘Now heel slave and kiss the key on my anklet’ said Goddess Sarah. I crawled to Her feet and kissed the key as instructed. Mistress took a photo as I did and laughed out loud.

‘Now I’m going to let you out of your chastity device and I'm going to allow you to worship my feet. As a reward you can worship my feet for as long as you like but as soon as you cum that’s it, you’ll be locked back up and set back to work on the stack of domestic chores I have given you, understand loser?' ‘so, you can lick my feet, suck my toes, lick in-between my toes, kiss my toenails, anything you desire – it's my treat to you for your 1st year of slavery’. With that Goddess Superior Sarah removed the key from Her anklet and unlocked my chastity device. 

I was kept naked 365 days a year apart from my collar which was padlocked and contained my name tag (Superior Sarah’s slave). The Goddess never called me by a human name, only slave, footboy, loser, slaveboy, etc. I was also chained and shackled around my ankles and wrists as this amused Superior Sarah knowing that it restricted my movements and kept me groveling on the floor so I always had to crawl around Her house. Finally, I also wore a chastity device which kept me locked up at the mercy and whim of Superior Sarah.

My Mistress tortured me and tormented me by keeping me locked for extended periods. She knew how I obsessed over Her, how I worshipped Her completely, how in awe I was of Her and so She knew that even when I was scrubbing Her floors and She would just walk past that the sound of Her feet on the floor was enough to make me throb in my cage. I ached and I’d beg for release but the Goddess would deny and instead order me to worship Her feet to torture me more.

Superior Sarah wore the key to my chastity device on an anklet as a means of making me suffer more. She was sooooo amazing, the key to my pleasure was worn around Her divine ankles and often she’d make me kiss the key as I crawled at Her feet. I was trained to understand that my greatest pleasure was obedience and the chastity was used as a tool to train this into me. I understood.

This captivity had broken me completely. The Goddess knew that I was Hers forever. I was fed only Her scraps and so I was weak and pathetic but kept healthy enough to ensure I could work 20 hours a day for the Goddess doing Her laundry, Her domestic chores, attending to Her feet and Her demands without any delay or any objection.

‘Yes, Goddess’ was the response no matter what she demanded. Superior Sarah knew that I’d never try to escape. She knew how much I adored Her and now I had nothing what could I do anyway, I was Her Property.

It was 10am on this first year anniversary of my slavery to Superior Sarah and I heard the Goddess rise. I was busy doing Her laundry.

‘SLAVE, HEEL!’ she shouted. I crawled at speed to my Goddesses bedroom but unfortunately it was not quick enough and Mistress was furious.

‘When I tell a dog to heel I expect a delay, when I tell my lowlife slave to heel I expect you at my feet instantly, you should be anticipating that I am about to call you’ and with that the Goddess grabbed a nearby riding crop and struck my ass repeatedly.

‘You’ve made me so mad already slave and I’ve only just got up, do you want me to sell you? Do you want to serve at the feet of some other wannabe?’

My owners feet were still warm and clammy from having just got out of bed, and Her feet so close to my face was making the chastity device really hurt, I was throbbing. My Goddess laughed out loud, 

‘You are PATHETIC slave….. I was going to reward you today given that you’ve now served me for a year, its 3 months since your last release and I was going to allow you a foot worship session free from chastity but instead you’ve pissed me off and I think I might just make you go another 3 months just because I say so, what do you think slave, hey?’...

My groveling intensified and I begged and begged at my owners feet for mercy. The sheer aura that Goddess Sarah gave off was immense, I felt completely overwhelmed whenever in Her presence and even more so when abused at Her divine feet. Superior Sarah allowed me to grovel for a few minutes then gave me a quick kick in the face….

'Ok, ok, slaveboy, I know you are devoted and work hard for me and your worshipping and admiration for me is clear, but you can always do better – I demand you do more to please me, maybe work 21 hours a day instead of 20? Your pitiful life is all about serving me so make the most of it.’

‘Yes, Goddess’ I exclaimed, ‘I will work more hours in the day for you’…..‘Yes Goddess’ I replied.

As I said this my Goddess had already moved Her foot onto my groin and I was throbbing against my cage. I worshiped my Goddess so much the experience was consuming me completely – I felt lightheaded and in ecstasy.

I was free, and immediately my mind considered the opportunity I had in front of me for hours and hours of foot worship of my Goddess, but alas it was not to be. I was so overwhelmed that the first sniff of my owners foot was too much for me, it sent me over the edge and I came. Goddess Sarah was delighted and laughed out soooo loud, it was absolutely humiliating, the slightest scent of my Goddess' feet had made me cum, my first time in 3 months.

‘Hahahhahahaaaaa, you really are pathetic’ exclaimed Superior Sarah, and she locked me back up in chastity. ‘chop chop slave, back to work, those chores wont do themselves…but before you go lick up your mess off the floor NOW’.

I obeyed, then crawled out of The Goddesses bedroom knowing that my next release was likely to be months away. As I crawled away I looked back on my Goddess as she walked into Her bathroom and shut the door. I was completely and utterly besotted with Her. I loved Her cruelty, I lover Her total domination and power over me, She was everything and I was nothing and I relished the thought of spending the rest of my life obeying Her.

Being 33 years old some might say the world was my oyster and why submit to a life of slavery. For me the answer was simple – my life had only just started, before my slavery to Superior Sarah, the Foot Goddess of all Foot Goddesses, I really had no life worth living.

Superior Sarah was my savior, my Queen, my Mistress – my GODDESS.

Hey, Footbitches and Fetish Lovers

I have decided to start up a blog page where I can post up more interesting and inspiring content for my followers to enjoy. Over the years, I have received many Fanfiction stories using me as the main Protagonist and have enjoyed reading what my followers fantasy desires are in a story setting.
I will share their works with the world anonymously, and just want to make the one disclaimer that I have only corrected significant spelling and punctuation errors in their works, but have otherwise left their writing intact.

Anyone of you may submit your works of devotion to me. Fanfiction, Artwork, and the likes... perhaps you will see your's selected to be shared on my blog with Authorship listed Anonymously or with an alternate alias which you can specify.

Submitted your works to me via Email!